
Knee Pain – Osteo Arthritis Knee

The knee joint is easily broken and vulnerable to damage. Most of the injuries that happen are while playing sports like cricket, baseball, football, etc. additionally; such injuries are too common during lifestyle injuries like two-wheeler accidents, slip from stairs, etc. A sudden collapse or twirl in the knee joint can hurt and injure the knee.


Symptoms of degenerative arthritis are:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness in the joint
  • Redness
  • Tenderness.
  • Difficulty bending the knee.
  • Problems weight-bearing.
  • Clicking or popping sounds.
  • Mild Stage
  • Moderate Stage
  • Advanced Stage
  • Maintain good bone throng by following a strong and nutritious diet. For e.g., eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D such as milk products, yogurt, salmon,  and tuna, greens such as spinach, and fortified foods such as oranges, cereals which are wealthy in vitamins and minerals.
  • In case of knee injuries, do not avoid symptoms like locking, instability or continuous pain.
  • Low impact exercise like swimming, walking, cycling, is forever good for the knee when judged against treadmill and vigorous sports.
  • Regular muscle strengthening exercises are advantageous.
  • Ignore sitting with your legs crossed, ignore squatting, and ignore strenuous activities which may damage your joints.
Treatment Options in knee Pain
Points to Remember
  • Never massage or apply heat on the injured locale.
  • Do not avoid symptoms like a continuous ache, locking, unsteadiness, and weakness in the knee joint, discuss with a doctor immediately; else it may cause permanent to injure to your joints.
Exercise for Knee Pain
Our Treatment plans for you

Care full history taking and evaluating phase of the disease. Customized treatment preparation according to your age Look for medicinal and physiotherapy option Educating you as we know patient education is most essential Dietary and food and exercise advice to you Supplements which can help out to carry cartilage Looking for reasonable options if applies to you.

  • Stem Cell therapies ( PRP )
  • Injection of pre formed Joint Lubricants – Viscus Injections
  • Arthroscopic cleaning of joints
Food and supplements - advised

Various specific food and supplements help in regenerating joint cartilage and keeping your joints healthy.